
Principle Based Leadership (PBL) is a registered Kenyan NGO training and holistic change agency that began as an idea founded upon creating a values-based culture that embraces, expands, and multiplies goodness, integrity, courage, and sacrificial love for others.

Created by author Art Hobba, pastor, businessman, and founder of US-based Core 300 International his 3-semester curricula he endows inspiration, knowledge, and understanding into the hearts of men to become the man God has made them to become. Prior to our program, these men were bound by 1000s of years of destructive and misogynistic Tribal mandates. Many program graduates have stepped into a level of freedom and become loving husbands, fathers, and hard-working providers–and their exemplary change is transforming their communities as well.

Evidence-based Results

The results of our program and philosophy have been measured through:

1. Over 579 Confidential Wives’ Surveys have been conducted randomly with wives whose husbands had completed:

  • One course (the Warrior)

  • Two courses (Warrior and Priest)

Ongoing evidence of the survey data continues to be collected, but indicators thus far confirm the many testimonials gathered over the years from the students, their wives, and other family members; The vast majority of these men, versus the way they were before the courses, were changed from the inside out between 88%-99%, and said percentages increased from Warrior only gads to after all 3 courses were completed.

This new teaching has brought my family and church into a spiritual transformation. It has even pierced the veil into out physical and mental lives by multiplying our harvests many times over!”
                          — Pastor Domo Namono, Busia,Uganda
“Before the Warrior course–and the training from these men from Kenya, Most families were near starving. I personally was eating one small portion of Ugali every 2 days so my wife and children could have one portion each day. But the story of a very poor farmer named Gideon replaced my despair with new hope, and faith to move forward again. The next day, the PBL Coordinators showed us how to do “Organic Farming” per their Farms for Life process. We all were filled with hope to change our lives! The first season my crop doubled. Now 5 years later we are taking 15 bags of maize from a farm that could barely provide 2 bags each year. These men with the good news of becoming Warriors in Jesus–has taught us how to take on life with joy and hope–ad it has added a financial blessing too–with much increase from my once dying farm.”
                                                      –Pastor Mark Awil, Eldoret, Kenya